Wednesday, 13 October 2010

When I Ink About It

I was off my face (high on lime jelly with mandarin segments - the hard stuff!) when I found myself staggering through MySpace... 

"Im 4 luv an tha wan2 meat cool boyz 4 funtim... " said 'Jane E!'

"Where's the grammar!" I screamed, fair splitting my tweed body stocking in the process. Furthermore and all that and everything, when I looked in the mirror, to my amazement I had transmogrified into an angry ink cartoon figure. As this pissed up old granny I once helped in front of a bus once observed:
"You'll smell of piss yourself someday sonny, so you will!"
"No I won't," I hastily replied, "but I might become an angry ink representation one day, so I might."
And now I have and that is that and relax to the music...

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